Monday, October 21, 2024



The Inspiration You’ve Been Looking For: 25 Famous Women Share Their Thoughts on Achieving Success Later in Life

With so many top 30 under 30 lists, how refreshing to find a roundup focused on women who've achieved success later in life. This...

Why Slowing Down Is A Superpower Worth Tapping Into For Dynamic Aging

At a recent virtual coffee chat hosted by What’s next?!, Canadian author, broadcaster, and journalist Carl Honoré recounted a news story about a divorcing...

Alzheimer’s Activist Caron Leid Provides Comfort To Others And Shares Her Journey

Caron Leid is a doer. And when the going gets tough, she does even more. For the past 19 years, much of what Leid...

Columnist Robert Hawke Ponders Big Regrets and Choices Made Without Second Thoughts

My life would have been so much better if I hadn’t asked the hot person out. I wish I didn’t take that trip to Spain. If...

Actor Lorne Cardinal Continues To Push Boundaries And Live Life With Courage

“If you let fear run your life, you can live a very small world. You’re not going to experience the greatness that’s out there...

How To Get Stronger, Improve Your Posture And Boost Your Mobility With Pilates

Pilates is about as far away as you can get from trendy exercise fads. It has been practiced since the late 1920s. And believe...

The Lighter Side of Aging – Being Called Mister, Bifocals and Embracing Nostalgia

Is there actually a way to age better when it comes to health? Being a baby boomer, I would say aging and better health...

Look To Canada’s Indigenous Communities To Understand How Age And Wisdom Are Valued

Western cultures see aging through the narrow, warped lens of health and disease, chronic illness and disability. Being independent for as long as possible...

Live In The Moment: Why You Should Add Mindfulness Habits Into Your Life For Healthier Aging

In these troubled times, it's easy to get caught up in what tomorrow, next week, next month or next year might bring. That can...

One Man’s Brush With Appendicitis Launches A Quest To Understand How His Body Works

A few months before reading The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson, a chapter-by-chapter guide to the workings of the human body, I...

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