Saturday, July 27, 2024



Comic Rick Green Discovers The Healing Power of Laughter After ADHD Diagnosis

Comedian and writer Rick Green is known to many Canadians as the bumbling Bill Smith on The Red Green Show for 11 seasons. But...

33 Ways You Can Take Charge Of Your Life During The Coronavirus Crisis

The COVID-19 situation continues to change not even just daily, but hourly. With everyone mandated to stay home to help “flatten the curve,” that...

Millennials Do Have Valuable Lessons To Share With The Boomer Generation

Millennials are a lazy, narcissistic, entitled generation. At least that’s the prevailing stereotype of these avocado toast-eating navel-gazers. Born some time between the early...

‘He-Sheds’ Across Canada Help Older Men Build a Sense Of Community

What if instead of potting soil and lawn mowers you filled a shed with hot coffee, cribbage boards and friends? That’s the idea behind...

Before You Take Off On To A Sun Destination This Winter, Consider New Treatments for Varicose Veins

Thinking about a winter getaway to a sun destination? For many women, that means not only shorts, sun dresses, swimsuits and breaking out the...

In The Fake News Era, Canadians Struggle To Get Credible Nutritional Information As They Age

“Aging Canadians have a profound hunger for good nutritional information – and the demand for reliable dietary advice is only going to grow,” said...

Canadians Swap “Fly And Fry” Vacations For Meaningful Travel Pursuits

Many Canadians in their teens and 20s travel as a rite of passage between finishing school and getting serious about career, family or both....

AGE-WELL’S Dr. Alex Mihailidis Looks At How Technology Can Revolutionize The Way We Age

When I think about the technologies revolutionizing our world, it’s amazing to see how they keep evolving. We’ve come a long, long way from...

Finally. Advertisers Are Taking A More Modern Approach To How It Portrays Older Adults

Advertising is everywhere. Whether we realize it or not, we are bombarded with thousands of brand messages every day – from the logo on...

Full Speed Ahead: Older Drivers Staying On the Road Longer, Thanks To Fairer Tests

No matter what your age, there are few symbols of personal freedom as meaningful as driving a car. An automobile is not just what...

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