Saturday, July 27, 2024


Sandra MacGregor


Tears Are Not Enough: Understanding Dry Eye Disease And How To Tackle It

Many of us expect that the quality of our vision will change as we grow older. We're more likely to need reading glasses and...

What To Do When Injuries Strike: Brace Yourself The Right Way And Get Healing

Oh no. It’s happened again. That painful little twitch in your knee has returned. Naturally you want to help the healing process along, but...

‘He-Sheds’ Across Canada Help Older Men Build a Sense Of Community

What if instead of potting soil and lawn mowers you filled a shed with hot coffee, cribbage boards and friends? That’s the idea behind...

Full Speed Ahead: Older Drivers Staying On the Road Longer, Thanks To Fairer Tests

No matter what your age, there are few symbols of personal freedom as meaningful as driving a car. An automobile is not just what...

Don’t Risk Having Another Painful Shingles Episode With A Vaccine

Most adults over the age of 30 can remember the pain of contracting chicken pox. The isolation from friends, the hideous red spots and...

Flu shot? Done! Now Get Vaccinated Against The Dangers of Pneumonia

For many Canadians, the arrival of winter signals a season of the extra vigilance needed when it comes to taking precautions to protect their...

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