Thursday, October 24, 2024

Millennials Do Have Valuable Lessons To Share With The Boomer Generation

Millennials are a lazy, narcissistic, entitled generation. At least that’s the prevailing stereotype of these avocado toast-eating navel-gazers. Born some time between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, this demographic is the fastest-growing segment of the job market and as much as this (and every generation) has their shortcomings, there is plenty that Boomers could learn from Millennials.

Whether it’s fitness trackers or apps, Millennials stay up to date with tech. Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons, Apel Mjausson.

1. Expand your tech knowledge. 
Generation Y gets derided for always having their smartphone in hand at all times (research shows they touch their smartphone an average of 45 times a day), but growing up with technology their entire lives has made them the most tech-savvy generation. This means they are flexible and can adapt to changes in technology quickly. This is great for the workplace and in real life as new software and products advance and change quickly.

2. Go ahead and pursue a passion as a side hustle.
It may be driven in part by a need to earn more money, but the side hustles of many Millennials stem from having a passion for an industry outside of their 9-to-5 work lives – as many as 29 percent according to a survey from Bankrate. Consider that pursuing your beloved craft will help contribute to your mental health and overall wellbeing, this demographic is investing their time and energy in something good.

Self care doesn’t equate to selfish. Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons, Sam Breach.

3. Focus on self-care and self-development.
As much as they may be working out at SoulCycle, physical fitness is not their only health resolution. In 2018, a whopping 72 percent of millennial women made mental health and self-care a priority according to a survey conducted by Shine. Another survey found that 94 percent of Millennials made personal improvement a priority, with plans to spend nearly $300 monthly on tending to their own wellbeing. Though depression rates are on the rise, there is also a greater awareness of mental illness and Millennials are better armed with the knowledge on how they can create a lifestyle that’s beneficial to their health.

4. Maintain an open mind.
Having grown up always connected in the age of social media, Millennials have been exposed to more different lifestyles than previous generations. They’ve grown up as a more racially diverse group and have been exposed to more different types of family units, creating a world with greater acceptance of gender fluidity and sexual orientation. They are on their way to becoming the most educated generation.

Despite a reputation for being spendthrifts, Millennials do know how to save money. Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons, Wastebusters.

5. Plan for a financially sound future.
While they get portrayed as throwing money away on cold-pressed juices and pricey yoga wear, 60 percent of Millennials are cutting down on spending so that they can save money for the future, according to a Bankrate survey. Compare this to the 25 percent of older generations who claimed cutting back on spending for that reason. In fact, Millennial parents are set to be the richest generation come retirement when compared to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers through socking aside 10 percent of income into retirement savings (more than the 8 percent and 5 percent of the two preceding generations).

Keeping fit is high up on the Millennials’ to-do list. Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons,

6. Make better lifestyle choices.
Millennials’ healthy habits are admirable. They exercise more than past generations; 76 percent report working out at least once a week. This generation also drinks less, smokes less and eats healthier than older generations and has a keen interest in natural, fresh foods.

7. Effect change through socially responsibility.
Although often characterized as selfish, Millennials are quite altruistic. According to the Millennial Impact Report, part of a series of reports from the research group Achieve, 78 percent of this generation made donations on their own (as in not prompted by an employer to make a contribution). This socially responsible group is through their time and money supporting causes that are important to them. One study found that Millennials are donating almost $600 annually to causes close to their heart. Besides making financial donations, this plugged-in demographic uses its influence to fundraise and grow awareness for organizations important to them.

Scrabble image, courtesy of





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