Saturday, July 27, 2024


Ottawa Heart Institute


CT Scan Technology May Detect Unknowing Carriers of COVID-19, Says Ottawa Heart Institute

A computerized tomography scan (CT scan for short) uses three-dimensional X-ray technology to create cross-sectional pictures of a patient’s bones, blood vessels and soft...

Medical Researchers Focus On The Intrinsic Relationship Between Brain, Heart And Mind

Your brain, heart and mind are intrinsically connected. They depend on one another. When one of them acquires a disease, scientists believe the others...

Ottawa Cardiologist Spearheads Effort To Diagnose Heart Disease With A New Five-Minute Test

Dr. Benjamin Chow was told he had seven minutes to pitch his idea. Seven minutes to describe and convey the importance of a groundbreaking...

Medical Breakthrough: Researchers Develop A Material To Repair Cardiac Tissue After A Heart Attack

Scientists at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have cooked up the first human protein gel material capable of repairing damaged heart tissue...

Evidence Indicates Unpaid Caregivers May Have An Elevated Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Tending to a sick loved one can be fulfilling, and it can bring deep satisfaction to a caregiver. Paradoxically though, staff at the University of...

New Research Looks At Who Does Better After Heart Surgery – Men or Women?

Last year, research established heart failure-associated deaths and hospitalizations are higher in women than in men. Today, new research from the University of Ottawa...

Be Kind To Your Heart This Summer With These Sun-Savvy Tips

Stay safe and have fun in the sun this summer. Before you grab your sun glasses and beach towel, you’ll want to read these...

Heart Experts Say More Research Needed About Long-Term Cannabis Use

While some advocates contend marijuana is harmless, others are cautioning its long-term risks and benefits haven’t yet been carefully studied. One of the few...

Exploring The Latest News Around Heart Health And Cannabis

Legalized marijuana is now a reality in Canada. This opening up of legal access will have a variety of health implications. In addition, marijuana...

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